Tuesday, 12 December 2017


This is a collection of different movie posters where I can use some ideas from them and incorporate them into my final movie poster. These are other ideas of ways that I can compose my movie poster and also different techniques and tools I can use when creating my final movie poster.

In the Moonlight poster (top left) I plan to experiment with using different colours on the final edit of my movie poster. In the 71 posters I am going to use the technique of putting an image within another image, or inside the title of the movie. In the Total Recall Poster I might expoeriment with different editing styles on the main image of the poster. In this poster you can see an effect going out of the back of the main character as if he is breaking apart. Finally, the last convention I might use within my movie poster is editing images of the characters in different sizes just like they have done with the Getaway poster but with a car as the main images as well.

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