Poster analysis world war z from AlastairSimpson

Star Trek: The Future Begins Movie Poster

I chose to analyse the Start Trek: The Future Begins (2009) movie poster because both the design and the story that it tells have a very strong connections with my own film trailer. In our film Imminent Threat , a close-knit group of brothers have to face a deadly threat, not just to their own safety but to that of their very civilisation. They will be tested on the ability to survive as well as how much they can take in order to stay within their close bonds with each other. Their courage and wits are necessary in order for them to stay sane when the United Kingdom is put on red alert of a nuclear attack by North Korea.

Image result for star trek the future begins poster
Whilst Star Trek is self-evidently a sci-fi quest action adventure movie with high production values and our own work is more realistic and based within recognisable domestic sets, the sense of danger, of adventure and challenge, of the bonds forged when three close brothers fight for their lives - all of these key ingredients - are evoked by the visual codes in the Star Trek poster, making me want to use the same framework that is used within their movie poster.

In this poster I am interested in looking at, and using the fact that in this poster there is a triptych of characters lined up next to each other. Because in my movie trailer there are 3 main characters, having a triptych of our characters at the top of the movie poster would be a suitable way to show off the characters. Again we would show visuals of the world that these boys have been put into by showing an image of maybe an explosion or another image of the character(s) doing something.

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