The protagonist (Jennifer Lawrence) living with her husband is experiencing strange visits from strangers and watches as they increase in number, as they do increase, more weird things happen around the house.
Unique Selling Point
The cast, the plot is unclear to see what happens in the trailer, this interests the audiences and makes them go and view the film in cinema.
Target Audience
15-30 years
Percussive instruments, string instruments (violins) being played violently
Shot Types/Camera Angles
High angle shot, canted angle, tracking shot, low angle shot, close up, extreme close up
The start sets the scene so it is slow until the first stranger arrives, and then the pace picks up alongside the music until strange things start to happen around the house.
Not much dialogue, however the starting dialogue is both of the main characters saying things like: ‘I love you’. Then when it gets more intense, people start getting angry at each other and especially the protagonist who is screaming by the end of the trailer.
There is voiceover in the sense that the dialogue has bridged over from another clip in the trailer.
Special Effects
There aren’t many special effects, however when the trailer is getting intense, the house almost starts to look like it is burnt without being on fire, we see the house change colour in almost an instant.
Credits and intertitles
Throughout the trailer we see intertitles like: ‘seeing is believing’ where the words are split up between clips. We see credits in the form of actor’s names being flashed up on screen nearing the end of the trailer.
Image result for mother trailer still image

Gerard Butler, one of the controllers for the satellites that control the weather around the world, finds himself in a situation where the satellites start failing and all hell breaks loose. Natural disasters are happening everywhere and Gerard Butler alongside his friends and family are trying to survive the storm that has taken over the earth.
Unique Selling Point
This disaster movie is actually based upon the fact of human error and that all of the natural disasters were caused by accident. Another USP of this movie is that it is set in the future.
Target Audience
The music is quite calm although there are disasters happening everywhere. Even though the original song is slow, they have slowed the song down even more to show that it is the end of the world.
Shot Types/Camera Angles
There are a lot of high angle shots and establishing shots as the disasters are quite large. There are tracking shots when people are running away from tornados and there are close ups on people’s faces when we can see a reaction.
It is very fast paced throughout the trailer as it is all about the disasters happening.
There is no dialogue as the soundtrack is the main sound we can hear.
Special Effects
There are a lot of special effects within the trailer as seen with all of the disasters that happen in the movie. All of these parts within the trailer are done through computer generated image (CGI)
Credits and Intertitles
The credits and intertitles are set in quite a futuristic font as the movie is set in a future where man has created a machine to control the weather.
Image result for geostorm trailer still image

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